The prophecy website that's NEVER been wrong.
This website is the world's best prophecy website because it has never been wrong. All the prophecies on this website were documented before they occurred, not after. This website was the only website to accurately predict the fate of President Reagan in 2004, and the only website to accurately predict the economic recession of 2007-2008. In 2009 it recorded that the world wasn't going to end in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar, and in 2013 this website was the only website to correctly predict the election of the first South American pope. In 2014 it accurately foretold the the rise of ISIS, and in 2020 it warned about liberal attempts to promote socialism in America. All the major events happening in the world today were predicted long ago by God's prophets. Over the last 4500 years the Hebrew prophets have arrived on regular 500-year intervals to warn the world about approaching events, but in today's godless world, those warnings are no longer heeded. During the 1960s science suddenly took over as a new source of hope and salvation for mankind. But one of the basic laws of science states that it is not possible for man to see into the future, and therefore the warnings of the prophets were totally ignored. So who's right, science or God? If you'd like to probe more deeply into this disagreement between science and religion, simply click through the links below to further explore the major events that have been happening in our world today, to see whether or not those events were accurately foretold in prophecy.
Were the NYC attacks in prophecy?
Should America convert to Metric?
Separation of Church and State
Predictions that all came true
Posted 3/15/2024:
Astrologers say this will be a year of revolutionary change.
Posted 1/1/2023:
Forget Russia, N.K., and China! Watch out for Islamic terrorists!
Posted 1/1/2022:
Is the world prepared for an upcoming shortage of money and food?
Posted 2/13/2021:
Will the Catholic Church continue to ignore its own prophecies?
Posted 1/15/2020:
Can a Schiff convince American capitalists to create a "socialist" U.S.A?
Posted 1/01/2019:
Doctors still don't know what animal hosted the Polio (AFM) virus.
Posted 1/27/2018:
WWIII is not U.S./NATO vs. Russia, but instead is U.S./Russia/NATO vs. ISIS.
Posted 5/17/2017:
Are St. Malachy, Fatima, and Nostradamus all describing Rome's ruin?
Posted 4/1/2016:
Will pope Francis lose his temper, and insult Muslims?
Posted 3/11/2015:
It's for your own good, Big Brother's wristband was designed to help you!
Posted 2/12/2014:
A house of glass shall come to pass, in England, but alas, alas...
Posted 2/28/2013:
Prepare the path for "papa Pedro" from South America.
Posted 12/12/2012:
Are we restoring the Ottoman empire by removing it's dictators (WWIII)?
Posted 1/1/2011:
Will government by corporations eventually lead us to Soylent Green?
Posted 9/1/2006:
Are you prepared for the upcoming worldwide economic depression?
All the above predictions were posted BEFORE the events occurred.
In a world where God's rules are obeyed, there are no wars, diseases, or natural disasters to plague society. The Holy Scriptures tell us that man does not strive with God, and over time human society has drifted far away from God's laws. We are now entering the Days of Vengeance, when God's judgements will be delivered upon men, nations, and even churches for their continued offenses against Him. The clock is ticking and the Harvest is fast approaching. Everyone will have to choose the path they will follow. The wicked will choose the path that leads to death and destruction, while the wise will choose the path that leads to Eternal Life. Click on one of the secure book links on this webpage to purchase one of Edward Oliver's books packed with over 370 pages of carefully researched facts about your past and future and finally learn the truth about the many clever lies and deceptions being promoted in the media by the Devil's minions who are profiting quite handsomely on the gullibility of the American public. And no matter what all the scientists say, start paying attention to the Hebrew prophets!
Copyright 2003-2025 Edward Oliver
(P.S. "Nostradamus New York" is #1 on all search engines except on non-Christian Google.)