Nostradamus Biography


Was He a Prophet
or a Fraud?


   Was he a true prophet, or a fraud? The Hebrew prophets were sent on 500-year intervals to warn God's people about future events. The most recent of the 500-year prophets was the French prophet Michel de Nostredame, more popularly known as "Nostradamus." He was born in 1503 into a family of physicians serving the court of King Rene of Anjou. If you research prophecy in modern times, you will find that Nostradamus is the name that comes up most often. He recorded his prophecies in the form of quatrains (four-line poems) written in the Old French language that concern events happening between the years 1555 A.D. and 2055 A.D. and are therefore not as difficult to translate as Bible prophecies that have suffered multiple translations through many ancient languages including Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Old English.

   Just prior to the year 2000 Y2K Millennium, Nostradamus prophecies were the focus of national attention because people feared the world might come to an end at the stroke of midnight on December 31, 1999 as computer calendars failed and caused the accidental launch of nuclear missiles, thus setting off WWIII. When the world did not end on December 31, 1999, the prophet Nostradamus was blamed for this prediction that he in fact never made. Unfortunately numerous books have been published containing mistranslated Nostradamus quatrains, resulting in Nostradamus being labeled a fraud. Modern detailed translations of his quatrains have revealed that they were in fact true, thereby meeting the standard set forth in Deuteronomy 18:22 for determining true prophets. Nostradamus quatrains have solved some of the greatest mysteries of history, such as the fate of the "Lost Dauphine" of France, the question of whether Adolf Hitler was able to escape Germany after WWII, and if you're a fan of the Godfather movie series and want to solve questions surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I after only 33 days in the papacy, all you have to do is consult the quatrains of Nostradamus to reveal the tale that Pope John Paul was poisoned by members of the Vatican Senate because his papacy was a threat to money laundering going on between the American Mafia and the Vatican bank.

   If only a single one of Nostradamus' prophecies had ever failed to come true, he would have been proven a false prophet. But a thorough detailed translation of his prophecies has revealed that every one of them has come true. The wicked members of the world of liberal academia have been trying to label Nostradamus a fraud for decades but they have not been able to destroy his popularity with the American public. They've profited quite handsomely from their efforts to discredit him, by publishing books full of fake prophecies that didn't come true because Nostradamus never wrote them.

   In the American educational system, which is staffed and controlled by liberal academics, our children are taught that it's scientifically impossible for man to see through time, thus teaching our children that the Bible is nothing but fantasy, and attacking the very foundations of Christianity. Small wonder that our children are now wandering aimlessly through the many trials of modern life. For centuries the true prophets have been a source of light and inspiration for Christians everywhere, and it has only been in recent times that man has chosen to ignore the laws of God and pursue his own path into the future.

   If you think you might want to explore some Nostradamus quatrains that have been accurately translated from the original Old French verses, click on the link below to begin your journey through Nostradamus prophecies about events that have been happening over the last 450 years, and will continue to happen over the next 50 years.