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And He said to Abraham, know of a surity that thy seed shall be
a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and
they shall afflict them 400 years. And also that nation whom they
shall serve, will I judge.
(Gen. 15:13)
If you check Wikipedia for information on the biblical Exodus, you will find that it is the "founding myth" of the Israelites. Scientists have viewed the Exodus as a myth without any basis in scientific or historical fact, but could Exodus have really taken place just as the Bible describes? Many Bible events were long considered to be allegorical in nature, so as to prove a point, and were thus viewed by many as a combination of myth and fact, but in recent years new evidence has surfaced that sheds a new light on the many unanswered questions about ancient Bible history.
Recent scientific and archeological discoveries have now revealed that the Exodus did in fact take place exactly as the Bible describes. Archeology has now revealed the exact date of the biblical Exodus, and has also revealed the catasclysmic event that was responsible for the "plagues" of Egypt, and the great wave of water that drowned the Pharoah's army. One of the most shocking surprises however, is the identity of the Pharoah that Moses asked to "Let my people go."
DECEPTION: The Exodus story is a myth.
THE TRUTH: The Exodus story is factual.
If you want to read the true story about how the Exodus actually happened and also learn the shocking identity of the Pharoah of the Exodus, just click on the secure book link below to order your book by Edward Oliver, and see how science has now proven that the Exodus occurred just as the Bible describes.
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