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CANCER is a common deadly disease of modern times and is caused by prolonged constant irritation of any part of the body. Lung cancer is usually from smoking and is caused by carbon irritants. Gastrointestinal cancer is another form of cancer that has developed from the modern lifestyle. It's easier to order pizza when you're busy than it is to take the time to cook a meal. But that pepperoni is actually an irritant to the digestive system. Hot and spicy, or smoked, barbecued, and nitrited processed foods are a great way to cause gastrointestinal cancer. The cure for this type of cancer is very simple. You can simply stop eating irritating foods and these cancers will quickly go into remission (no chemotherapy required). Lung cancer on the other hand, cannot be cured by stopping the smoking habit since the carbon irritants are imbedded in the lung tissues and cannot be removed (short of a lung transplant).
EPIDEMIC DISEASES conversely are often the result of mankind violating the laws of nature. Such diseases are often the result of unnatural conditions created in the natural environment such as animal overpopulation due to a reduction in hunting activity or poor trash disposal in a city that results in an overpopulation of vermin. Nature will often respond to animal overpopulation by activating the natural mechanism of disease to cull excess animals and restore a balance between animal populations and the available food supply. Most people are unaware that nearly all the human epidemics of modern times have been "zoonotic" (animal origin) diseases such as Polio, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, and Covid-19. The "vector" for spreading such diseases is usually (but not always) an insect feeding on the blood of the host animal, that also feeds on human blood, thus spreading the disease from the host animal to its new human host.
To avoid cancer it's best to avoid the things that create it such as smoke, hot spices, sun exposure, chemicals, asbestos, and other irritants, and in the case of zoonotic plagues, it is best to avoid allowing animals in the wild to overpopulate, or in a commercially raised animal situation, it's best to avoid raising animals in overcrowded, poorly ventillated, or unsanitary conditions.
If you want to learn more about the history of disease, click one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver.
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