Presidents Fate was Predicted


Fate of U.S. Presidents
was Predicted?

The Cycle of the Presidents prophecy.

Jeane Dixon's amazing prediction.


   Were the deaths of U.S. presidents actually predicted? In the May 13, 1956 edition of Parade Magazine, the astrologer Jeane Dixon predicted that the president elected in 1960 would be a "Democrat" and that he would be "assassinated or die in office." Jeane's amazing prediction would prove to be accurate when on November 22, 1963 the Democrat president John F. Kennedy was assassinated and died in office while visiting Dallas, Texas. Jeane's amazing prediction shocked the entire world. But how was the prophet Jeane Dixon able to make this shocking prediction, over seven years before the event happened? The answer is that Mrs. Dixon knew about the Great Chronocrator prophecy that had accurately predicted the ultimate fate of 20-year elected U.S. presidents since the founding of our nation. This astrological prophecy is controlled by the 20-year conjunctions of the planets Jupiter and Saturn.

   An examination of U.S. history will quickly reveal the 20-year presidential assassinations of seven U.S. presidents from 1840 through 1960. A further examination will reveal that all these presidents were assassinated in office by the use of lead bullets, or arsenic of lead powder. If you wanted to assassinate someone in the 1800s you simply bought white arsenic of lead paint pigment at the hardware store, and mixed it into their mashed potatoes. In the 1800s they didn't have any way to detect such poisonings, and the white powder actually tasted pretty good. That's why our children today still enjoy chewing on lead paint.

   In the 1960s when astrology was popular, America's astrologers attributed these presidential deaths to the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn conjunction cycle (when Jupiter and Saturn appear together in the nighttime sky), that had controlled the fate of governments since the time of the ancient Greeks.


DECEPTION: Jeane Dixon was a false prophet and astrologer.

THE TRUTH: Jeane Dixon was an unusually accurate astrologer.


   The astrologers of the 1960s however, were not aware that the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn conjunction cycle, also known as the "Great Chronocrator," was overlain by a larger 480-year cycle known as the "Cycle of the Elements." This larger cycle was also controlling the fate of U.S. leaders. The Cycle of the Elements involves the four elements FIRE, EARTH, AIR, and WATER, with each element holding control for 120 years. The element EARTH controlled the 120-year period from 1840 to 1960, and the metal that determined the fate of seven U.S. presidents was lead (lead bullets/lead arsenic).

   The three previous 20-year elections of 1780, 1800 and 1820 were governed by the element "FIRE," so all three of these Chief Executives were destined to meet their fate on America's "FIRE" holiday July 4th, the uniquely American holiday still celebrated with FIREcrackers, FIREworks, and bonFIRES (Note: Although there was no 1780 presidential election John Adams was appointed by his peers to act as Chief Executive in arranging for financing, French naval support, and negotiating the peace agreement with England). Adams was chief signatory for the Treaty of Paris peace agreement that ended the war.

   After the FIRE and EARTH element cycles ended, the element AIR took over. The first election to occur under the AIR cycle was Ronald Reagan's election in 1980. The prophecy on the fate of President Reagan was fulfilled in 2004 when the president died of "pneumonia" (the inability to breathe AIR). The 120-year AIR cycle will hold control over the fate of our 20-year elected U.S. presidents until 2100, when it will then be replaced by the WATER cycle. Please see the chart below:



1780    Adams            FIRE       July 4th
1800    Jefferson        FIRE       July 4th
1820    Monroe           FIRE       July 4th
1840    Harrison       EARTH        lead
1860    Lincoln         EARTH        lead
1880    Garfield        EARTH        lead
1900    McKinley      EARTH        lead
1920    Harding        EARTH        lead
1940    Roosevelt     EARTH        lead
1960    Kennedy       EARTH        lead
1980    Reagan           AIR       air-lungs


   This strange astrological prophecy cycle that the astrologer Jeane Dixon used to predict JFK's assassination may still be controlling the fate of U.S. presidents today and well into the future. During the 1950s and 1960s most Americans believed their destiny was controlled by the great timeclock of God's universe. But many scientists and religious leaders did not believe in the science of astrology that came from the city of Babylon. It might be worth noting however that not only were the three biblical Wise Men astrologers, but the chief over all the astrologers, magicians, sorcerers, and Chaldeans in Babylon was none other than the Bible prophet Daniel (Daniel 2:2-48 KJV).

   Hopefully Jeane Dixon's incredible Cycle of the Presidents prophecy will not continue to control the fate of future American presidents, but only time will tell. To find out more about the past and future of the tribe of Ephraim in the United States, click one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver.








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