Nostradamus Ottoman Muslims?


Return of the Ottomans?

The only prophecy source that's NEVER been wrong


    If you check this website's homepage list of annual predictions you'll find a warning in 2012 that the Ottomans would be resurrected back to power in the Middle East. The long expected Battle of Armageddon has haunted men for centuries but when will this historic battle occur and who'll be the major participants in this event? Although you've been told that Armageddon will be a future war between Russia and the United States, the Hebrew prophets say the Battle of Armageddon will actually be a battle between Christianity and Islam and that the battle can't happen until all the petty dictators in the Middle East have been removed and replaced by one powerful religious leader who will launch an attack against the forces of Christianity and its base in Rome. The Bible says Armageddon will be a battle between Christianity and the armies of Islam, with the Russians fighting on our side.

   After the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 the Ottoman empire fell from power and never again returned to world dominance. But on the Sunday after 9/11, President George Bush acknowledged the return of the Crusades with the following words, "And the American people are beginning to understand this "CRUSADE," this war on terrorism, is going to take a while."

   It is an unfortunate fact that by the year 2011 the U.S. government had systematically removed most of the key dictators from positions of power in the Middle East as part of their plan to create new democracies in Muslim nations. They were not aware that all Islamics are indoctrinated from birth to follow the laws of God, and not the laws of government. Their foolish effort to create new democracies actually created a political void that was quickly filled by Islamic militants once again anxious to pursue their holy war against Rome. And thus the warning issued in January of 2012 by this website was realized only two years later when in late June of 2014 the Islamic State declared itself a worldwide caliphate. The Ottoman empire was now able to resume its holy war against Christians.

   It is truly incredible that the U.S. government would actually help resurrect the enemies of Christianity, but that's exactly what happened. The armies of Islam are now once again on the march against Rome and its papacy. U.S. media is now directing public attention toward Russia, North Korea, and China when we should actually be worrying about Islamic terrorism. The Bible prophets warned us that our real enemies in the End Time would be the sons of Ishmael.

   If you'd like to learn more about what the Hebrew prophets predicted for your future, simply click one of the secure book links on this webpage and order your book by Edward Oliver.






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