Many Old French words can be found by simply looking them up in any modern French dictionary. This glossary lists those words that are no longer a part of the modern French language. New words will be added just as soon as they become available.
Sa - (O.F. p.) her, its
Saccager - (O.F. v.) sack
- (O.F. n.) priest
note: ancient French "sacer" - sacred one, priest
Sacre - (O.F. a.) sacred
Sacrifice - (O.F. n.) sacrifice
Saignera - (O.F. v. fut.) will bleed
Saint - (O.F. a.) sainted, holy
Saisi/Saisiz - (O.F. v.) seize, seized
Samarobryn - (O.F. p.) overspreading, pouring over, covering, etc..
Sang - (O.F. n.) blood, bloodshed
Sanguin - (O.F. p.) bullish, celebrating
Sans - (O.F. p.) without
Satrapie - (O.F. n.) satrap, government leaders
Saturnans - (O.F. n. plur.) Hungarians
Sauterelles - (O.F. n. plur.) grasshoppers
Sauts/Saults - (O.F. n. plur) great leaps, efforts, accomplishments
Sauve - (O.F. p.) saved
Scaura - (O.F. v. fut.) will know, will discover, will reveal
Sceleste - (O.F. n.) criminal, villain, charlatan
Sceptre - (O.F. n.) scepter, law, authority
Scisme - (O.F. n.) schism
Script - (O. F. n.) script
Scyphe - (O.F. n.) chalice
Se - (O.F. p.) he, they, etc..
Secatombe - (O.F. n.) death plot
Second - (O.F. a.) second, next in line
Secours - (O.F. n.) help
Secret - (O.F. a.) secret
Secte - (O.F. n.) sect
Seductive - (O.F. a.) seductive, deceiving
Seduicts - (O.F. p.) seduced, deceived
Seduira - (O.F. v. fut.) will seduce
Seicher - (O.F. p.) suffering, withered
Seicheresse - (O.F. n.) drought
Seige - (O.F. n.) the rich, Lordly masters, holy see
Seing/Sing - (O.F. n.) sign
Sel & Vin - (O.F. n.) salt and wine (good times staples)
Selin - (O.F. n.) Sultan (Selim)
Seline - (O.F. n.) Adriatic
Selle - (O.F. n.) seat, stool
Senate - (O.F. n.) Roman Senate, Roman Curia
Senestre - (O.F. a.) sinister
Sens - (O.F. p.) sensing
Sept/Septaine - (O.F. a.) seven, seventh, in Seventh Heaven, beyond the bounds or limits
Septante - (O.F. a.) seventy
Septieme - (O.F. a.) seventh
Sepulchre - (O.F. n.) sepulcher, tomb
Sepulturer - (O.F. p.) buried
Sera/Seront - (O.F. v. fut.) will be
Serpens - (O.F. n.) serpents, snakes, poisonous snakes
Serrez - (O.F. p.) enclosed
Servitude - (O.F. n.) servitude
Servue - (O.F. n.) service, services
Ses - (O.F. p.) their
Seul - (O.F. a.) alone, independent
Sex/Sext - (O.F. a.) six, sixth, Pope Sixtus V
Si - (O.F. n.) if, such, so, etc..
Siecle - (O.F. n.) cycle, age, period of time
Siege - (O.F. n.) royal seat, holy seat
Siens - (O.F. n. plur.) his own
Signe - (O.F. n.) a sign, symbol, mark, insignia, the Christian cross
Simple - (O.F. a.) simple
Simulacres - (O.F. a.) similar, statues
Singulier - (O.F. a.) singular
Six - (O.F. n.) six
Soeur - (O.F. n.) sister
Soif - (O.F. n.) thirst
Soilard - (O.F. n.) "soiled-one", a housekeeper or washperson
Sol/Solaire - (O.F. n.) sun
Soldat - (O.F. n.) soldier
Soleil - (O.F. n.) sun, brightness, purity
Solitude - (O.F. n.) solitude
Solus - (O.F. p.) alone
Son - (O.F. p.) his, her
Sonne - (O.F. n.) sound
Sont - (O.F. a.) deceitful, flawed, imperfect
Sordide - (O.F. n.) corrupt
Sort - (O.F. n.) lottery, lot, chance, choosing, judgement
Sortant - (O.F. v. fut.) will leap up, will surprise
Sortira - (O.F. v. fut.) will leave, will depart, will rise or sink
Soubz - (O.F. a.) hidden, under, secret, subtle
Soulz - (O.F. a.) hidden, occult
Soupire - (O.F. v.) to sigh, gasp
Sous - (O.F. p.) under
Soustenens - (O.F. p.) sustaining, supporting, maintaining
Souverain - (O.F. a.) sovereign
Spacieuse - (O.F. a.) wide, spacious
Sparte Claude - (O.F. n.) great limp
Suave - (O.F. a.) mysterious
Subite - (O.F. a.) sudden, swift, quick
Sublimes - (O.F. a.) hidden
Submerge - (O.F. a.) submerged
Subrogee - (O.F. p.) subrogated, vulnerable
Subscrit - (F. n.) handwriting
Substance - (O.F. n.) substance, flesh, matter
Succedera - (O.F. v. fut.) will succeed
Successeur - (O.F. n.) successor
Suffocque - (O.F. v.) suffocate, choke, strangle, bring to an end
Suite - (O.F. p.) chased, pursued
Suivra - (O.F. v. fut.) will follow
Sunto - (O.F. v.) stay, remain
Superstile - (O.F. p.) exceeded, beyond forgiveness
Sur - (O.F. p.) on, on top of
Surmontera - (O.F. v. fut.) will defeat
Surnom - (O.F. n.) surname, title
Surnon - (O.F. p.) none before
Surprendra - (O.F. v. fut.) will surprise
Surprins - (O.F. p.) surprised
Surrez - (O.F. p.) assured
Sus - (O.F. p.) on, on top of, upon
Suses - (O.F. n.) Swiss, Switzerland
Suspect - (F. n.) suspect, suspicion
Suspendu - (O.F. p.) suspended
Syphe - (O.F. n.) Chalice, goblet
The Old French language included many words from Latin and Greek word roots and also regional dialects such as Provencal and and Catalan. You can also check under the classical "class." and figurative "fig." listings in larger modern French dictionaries. Old French can also differ from modern French, since words like "fleuve," which now means "river," also meant "route" or "course," in Old France because rivers were often used as the safest "route" or "course" when travelling between major cities, since roads were poorly maintained, and robbers often waited along these routes. Please keep in mind that many figures of speech such as the "oil and the wine," which does not seem to make much sense today, in those days meant the "good things."
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