Many Old French words can be found by simply looking them up in any modern French dictionary. This glossary lists those words that are no longer a part of the modern French language. New words will be added just as soon as they become available.
Dama - (O.F. n.) deer
Dame - (O.F. n.f.) lady, a bustling city
Dans - (O.F. p.) in, within, along, upon, into, etc..
Daulphin/Dauffois - (O.F. n.) Dauphine
Daurade - (O.F. a.) (d'aurade, d'orade) golden throne of St. Peter
De - (O.F. p.) of, as, in, to, through, for, from, with, etc..
Deaux - (O.F. n.) the two, both
Debisse - (O.F. v.) weaken
Debeller - (O.F. v.) conquer
Debise - (O.F. n.) support, backup
Debout - (O.F. p.) standing upright
Deceus - (O.F. a.) deceptive
Dechassee - (O.F. p.) chased off, chased away
Dedans - (O.F. p.) within
Defaict/Desfait - (F. n.) defeat, slaughter
Defection - (F. n.) defections
Defension - (F. n.) defence
Deffailans - (O.F. a.) failing, languishing
Deffaillir - (O.F. p.) failing, despairing
Deffraieur/Deffrayeur - (O.F. a.) powerful, awesome, of frightening power
Degre - (O.F. n.) degrees
Dela - (O.F. p.) beyond
Deliverant - (O.F. v. fut.) will deliver
Delues - (O.F. n. plur.) delusions
Demi - (O.F. p.) half, partially, nearly, etc..
Demi-Dieu - (O.F. n.) demi-God
Demeurera - (F. v. fut.) will be left as, will remain as
Demourra - (O.F. v. fut.) will not die, will remain, will survive
Des - (O.F. p.) from, since, upon, etc..
Desarroy - (O.F. n.) disarray
Descendu - (F. p.) sent from, coming from
Descouvert - (O. F. p.) discovered
Descriees - (O.F. v.) discredit, weaken, devalue
Descroissance - (O.F. v.) dry up, disappear
Desdaigneront - (F. v. fut.) will have disdain for
Desfailans - (O.F. a.) failing, languishing, defeated
Desjoinct - (O.F. a.) broken up, divided
Desnier - (O.F. p.) denies, prevents
Desolation - (O.F. n.) desolation
Despendre - (O.F. v.) waste, squander
Desrobe - (O.F. a.) vulnerable
Dessus - (O.F. p.) upon
Destorner - (O.F. a.) destined, altered
Destresse - (F. n.) distress
Determine - (O.F. p.) ended, completed
Detrencher - (O.F. v.) slash, cut up
Deux - (F. a.) two
Devant - (O.F. p.) before
Deviendra - (O.F. v. fut.) will become
Diane - (O.F. n.) Diana, Artemis, Freya (Goddess of Friday)
Dieu - (O.F. n.) God
Diminuant - (O.F. p.) diminishing
Dira - (O.F. v. fut.) will say, will speak
Discord - (O.F. n.) discord
Dishonore - (O.F. a.) dishonored
Divin - (O.F. a.) divine
Divorce - (O.F. n.) divorce
Dix - (F. n.) ten
Dixhuit - (F. n.) eighteen
Dogmion - (O.F. n.) religious dogma
Doit - (O.F. n.) debt
Domestique - (O.F. a.) domesticated, tamed
Dominee - (O.F. v.) dominate, rule over
Donnera - (O.F. v. fut.) will take on, will deliver up
Donne - (O.F. p.) given, bestowed
Donra - (O.F. v. fut.) will break free
Dore - (O.F. a.) guilded, golden
Dormans - (O.F. p.) sleeping
Double - (O.F. a.) double
Douce - (F. a.) sweet
Douleur - (O.F. n.) sorrow, anguish
Dresse - (O.F. p.) raised
Dresseront - (O.F. v. fut.) will dress
Droit/Droict - (O.F. a.) legal, official
Du - (O.F. p.) of, in, from, as, with, etc..
Duc - (O.F. n.) Duke, Dutchy
Duelle - (O.F. n.) duel
Duelles - (O.F. n. plur.) rivals, duellers
Dur - (O.F. a.) hard, difficult
Durance - (O.F. a.) for a long time
Duumverat - (O.F. n.) combined forces, assembled force
The Old French language included many words from Latin and Greek word roots and also regional dialects such as Provencal and and Catalan. You can also check under the classical "class." and figurative "fig." listings in larger modern French dictionaries. Old French can also differ from modern French, since words like "fleuve," which now means "river," also meant "route" or "course," in Old France because rivers were often used as the safest "route" or "course" when travelling between major cities, since roads were poorly maintained, and robbers often waited along these routes. Please keep in mind that many figures of speech such as the "oil and the wine," which does not seem to make much sense today, in those days meant the "good things."
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