Many Old French words can be found by simply looking them up in any modern French dictionary. This glossary lists those words that are no longer a part of the modern French language. New words will be added just as soon as they become available.
Pacifique - (F. a.) peaceful, at peace
Pain - (O.F. n.) bread
Paix - (O.F. n.) peace, calm
Palais - (O.F. n.) palace
Pampon - (O.F. a.) doubtful
Par - (O.F. p.) by, for, because, through, etc..
Parc - (O.F. n.) peaceful feeling, park, peaceful place
Parenz - (O.F. n.) kinsmen
Parfin - (O.F. p.) in the end, when all is done, at last, etc..
Parfondera - (O.F. v. fut.) will strike, will knock
Parler - (O.F. v.) speak, talk
Parpaignan/Parpignan - (O.F. n.) wall, rampart, buttress
Parque - (O.F. a.) parked, surrounded, hemmed in, enclosed, beseiged
Pars - (O.F. n. plur.) places
Part/Parte - (O.F. n.) part, portion
Partira - (O.F. v. fut.) will depart
Parviendra - (O.F. v. fut.) will arrive, will attain, will come
Pasle - (O.F. a.) pale
Passe/Passez - (O.F. p.) is over and passed
Passera - (O.F. v. fut.) will pass
Pasteur - (O.F. n.) Louis Pasteur, pastor, shepherd, pope, etc..
Patron - (O.F. n.) supporter
PAU - (O.F. n.) Pau, Henry IV of Navarre
Pause - (O.F. n.) pause
Pauvres - (O.F. a.) poor
Pavillon - (O.F. n.) pavillion, royal house, royal colors or crest
Pax Ney Loron - (O.F. n.) peace not bound, (anagram of "Napolyon Rex")
Peines - (O.F. n. plur.) pains
Pellix/Pellices - (O.F. n.) seductress, mistress, prostitute, concubine
Pelte - (O.F. n.) shield
Pempotam - (O.F. a.) all powerful
Pendu - (O.F. p.) hanging
Pense - (O.F. n.) expectation
Penultiesme - (O.F. a.) next to the last
Percera - (O.F. v. fut.) will pierce
Perdra - (O.F. v.) will cast off
Perdu - (O.F. a.) lost
Pere - (O.F. n.) father, priest, friar, brother
Perfetant - (O.F. n.) chaos
Perhume - (O.F. p.) before him
Perille - (O.F. n.) peril
Perplex - (O.F. n.) problem, entanglement
Perse - (O.F. n.) Persia, Iran, Middle East
Personnaige - (O.F. n.) person
Perspective - (O.F. n.) perspective, viewpoint
Pert - (O.F. n.) loss
Pescheur - (O.F. n.) sin, tribulation
Peste/Pestifere - (O.F. n.) terrible conditions, torment, storms, pestilence
Petit - (O.F. a.) small, tiny
Peu - (O.F. a.) little, few
Peut - (O.F. a.) nervously, not confidently
Peuple - (O.F. n.) people
Peyne - (O.F. n.) punishment
Phalange - (O.F. n.) phalanx, square defense line
Phebes - (O.F. n.) the Moon
Phybe - (O.F. n.) Innocent Monarch
Picquant - (O.F. a.) harshly
Pieds - (O.F. n. plur.) foot kicks
Pierre - (O.F. n.) stone, rock, Peter, St. Peter
Pierre - (O.F. a.) stoic, linen
Pille - (O.F.n.) pillage
Piques - (O.F.n. plur.) pikemen
Piramid - (O.F.n.) pyramid
Pire - (O.F. p.) worse
Piteux - (F. a.) pitiful
Place - (O.F. n.) place
Plaint/Plainct - (O.F. n.) complaint, dissatisfaction, lamentation
Plaisant - (O.F. a.) pleasant, pleased
Plaisir - (F. n.) pleasure, solace
Planure - (O.F. n.) plain, field
Plenitude - (O.F. a.) full, bright, shimmering
Pleurs - (O.F. n.) tears, crying, rain
Pliera - (O.F. v. fut.) will bend, will unfold, will form anew
Plonge/Plonger - (O.F. v.) plunge, dive into
Pluie/Pluye - (O.F. n.) rain, storm, rainstorm, tempest
Plus - (O.F. a.) more, greater, closer
Plusiers - (O.F. p.) many, a great number
Pluspart - (O.F. p.) most part
Poignard - (O.F. n.) a pointed dagger, knife, blade, etc..
Point/Poinct - (O.F. n.) point, spear point, idea, concept
Poison - (F. n.) poison
Poisson - (O.F. n.) fish, submarine, aquatic vehicle
Pole/Polle - (O.F. n.) pole, axis, satellite, outpost, point of origin
Police - (O.F. n.) orders, government
Politique - (O.F. n.) politics, government
Pont - (F. n.) bridge
Pont/Pontife - (O.F. n.) pontiff, pope, prelate, bishop
Portera - (O.F. v. fut.) will carry, will be carried
Ports - (O.F. n. plur.) ports, harbors
Pose - (O.F. p.) positioned, repositioned
Poser - (O.F. v.) put, place
Posthume - (O.F. p.) after him
Poudre - (O.F. n.) powder, dust
Poulse - (O.F. n.) thrust, jolt
Pour - (O.F. p.) for, because of, due to, etc..
Poursuivre - (O.F. v.) pursue
Pouss - (O.F. v.) repulse
Predecesseurs - (O.F. n. plur.) predecessors
Premier - (O.F. p.) first, premier
Prendra - (O.F. v. fut.) will take, will complete
Pres - (O.F. a.) not far, near
Prescript - (O. F. n.) guilded script
Presque - (O.F. p.) close, near
Prest - (O.F. p.) ready. prepared
Prestres - (O.F. n. plur.) priests
Pretendoit - (O.F. p.) pretending
Primat - (O.F. n.) pope, primate, mankind, human kind
Prin - (O.F. a.) thin
Prince - (O.F. n.) prince
Principaux - (O.F. n.) principals, leaders
Pris/Prins/Prinz/Prinse - (O.F. a.) taken, seized, captured, held, removed, isolated
Prochain - (O.F. p.) nigh, near
Proche - (O.F. a.) near, close by
Procree - (L. n.) offspring
Procul - (L. n.) far away
Prodigieux - (O.F. a.) prodigious, unexpected, surprising
Proditeur - (F. n.) traitor
Produira - (F. v. fut.) will produce
Profanum - (O.F. n.) the profane
Profond - (O.F. a.) deep, remote
Promis - (O.F. p.) promised
Promontoire - (O.F. n.) a promontory, monument, peninsula
Prononcee - (O.F. n.) pronounced, presented
Prophete - (O.F. n.) prophet
Prophetie - (O.F. n.) prophecies
Propin - (O.F. n.) proper place, native abode
Propre - (O.F. a.) one's own
Prospera - (O.F. v. fut.) will prosper, will produce
Prostera - (O.F. v. fut.) will prostrate, will lower oneself, will bow
Prouve - (O.F. a.) proper, official, proven
Province - (O.F. n.) province
Pugne - (O.F. n.) fight, battle
- (O.F. a.) then, this is when
note: "then" - a contraction of "this is when"
Punic/Punique - (O.F. a.) Punic, Carthaginian
Punis - (O.F. p.) punished
Puys - (O.F. n.) a well, mound
Pyrates - (O. F. n. plur.) pirates
The Old French language included many words from Latin and Greek word roots and also regional dialects such as Provencal and and Catalan. You can also check under the classical "class." and figurative "fig." listings in larger modern French dictionaries. Old French can also differ from modern French, since words like "fleuve," which now means "river," also meant "route" or "course," in Old France because rivers were often used as the safest "route" or "course" when travelling between major cities, since roads were poorly maintained, and robbers often waited along these routes. Please keep in mind that many figures of speech such as the "oil and the wine," which does not seem to make much sense today, in those days meant the "good things."
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