Old French Dictionary E


Old French Dictionary (E)


   Many Old French words can be found by simply looking them up in any modern French dictionary. This glossary lists those words that are no longer a part of the modern French language. New words will be added just as soon as they become available.



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Eage - (O.F. n.) era, age

Eau/Eaux - (O.F. n.f.) water, liquid sustinence, gain, booty

Ecclesiastique - (O.F. a.) ecclesiastic

Edit/Edict - (O.F. n.) edict, royal edict

Effainct - (O.F. n.) reduced

Effort - (O.F. n.) efforts, opposition

Effrayeur/Effroy - (O.F. a.) frightening, fearful, awesome

Eglise - (O.F. n.) church (eclesiastic)

Electeur - (O.F. n.) inheritor, the elect

Election - (F. n.) election

Elles - (F. p.) them all

Embusches - (O.F. n.) ambush

Emmenees - (O.F. n. pl.) conquests

Empereur - (O.F. n.) emperor

Empire - (O.F. n.) empire

Empirees - (O.F. p.) deteriorating, aloof, turning to stone

Empoisonne - (O.F. p.) poisoned

Emprise - (O.F. n.) enterprise

En - (O.F. p.) in, on, as, for, etc..

Enclin - (O.F. a.) inclined, destined

Encontre - (O.F. p.) against

Encor - (O.F. p.) repeating, again, still

Enfant/Enfans - (O.F. n.) infant, child, clone

Enfer - (F. n.) Hell, Hades, infernal place

Enferrez - (O.F. a.) shackled, confined

Enflez - (O.F. p.) puffing up, inflating

Enfoncee - (O.F. p.) knocked down

Enfrayer - (O.F. n.) fright

Engaige - (O.F. v.) engage, accept

Ennemis - (O.F. n.) enemy

Enno-sigee - (L. n.) enormous-promontories, ensigns (standing silent)
      note: prefix "Enno" - enormous, large,
      note: Latin "sigeum" - a promontory
      note: like the Statue of Liberty watching silently over NY Harbor

Enscriture - (O.F. n.) inscription

Ensemble - (O.F. a.) assemble, together, united

Entamer - (O.F. v.) cut, slice, break, broken, trodden down, etc..

Entant - (O.F. n.) double, intended replacement, duplicate

Entendre - (O.F. p.) intend

Entiers - (O.F. a.) strong, healthy

Entrebatron - (O.F. n.) fighting, battling

Entree - (O.F. n.) entry

Entretien - (O.F. n.) obscuration, takeover, a "white-out"

Envenimee - (O.F. p.) envenomed, poisoned

Envers - (O.F. n.) undoing, downfall

Envie - (O.F. n.) envy

Eschelle - (O.F. n.) ladder

Escosse - (O.F. n.) Scots, Scotland

Escouter - (O.F. v.) lis

Esclandre - (O.F. n.) uproar

Escunder - (O.F. p.) asunder, apart, divided

Esleu - (O.F. p.) elected, selected, chosen

Esleuez - (O.F. p.) lifting, raising

Esloigne - (O.F. p.) far off, removed

Esmeus - (O.F. v.) rise up, stir up

Esmotion - (O.F. n.) commotion

Espaingne - (O.F. n.) Spain

Esperons - (O.F. v.) endure, suffer through

Espoir - (O.F. n.) hope

Esponger - (O.F. v.) sponge, absorb

Espouse - (O.F. n.) spouse, wife

Espoventable - (O.F. a.) dreadful, frightfull

Esprit - (O.F. n.) spirit, thought, opinion, soul, ghost

Esprouve - (O.F. v.) approve, certify, baptize

Estade - (O.F. n.) stadia

Estages - (O.F. n. plur.) positions, placement

Estainct - (O.F. p.) wasting, expending, quitting, ending

Estant - (O.F. p.) being, resting

Estat - (O.F. n.) status, condition

Estincelle - (O.F. n.) spark, shooting star, burning ember

Esto/Estre - (O.F. v.) is, to be, must be, etc.
         note: from French "est" - (present indicative of) "etre"

Estoc - (O.F. n.) a small sword, blade, knife, dagger

Estoient - (O.F. p.) volunteered

Estoit - (O.F. a.) a star, shining, blessed

Estomac - (F. n.) food, sustinence

Estrainct - (O.F. p.) extinguished

Estrange - (O.F. a.) strange

Estrangiers - (O.F. a.) foreign, alien

Estroit - (O.F. a.) closely, tightly

Estude - (O.F. n.) study, studio

Et - (O.F. p.) and

Eternite - (O.F. n.) eternity

Exces - (O.F. n.) excess

Excroissance - (O.F. n.) excrescence, ejecta

Exempt - (O.F. p.) exempt

Exigue - (O.F. a.) divided, faint, forgotten, empty

Exilez - (O.F. n. plur.) exiles

Expandu - (F. p.) expended

Exploicter - (F. a.) exploratory

Exploree - (O.F. p.) enduring, working through

Extipices - (O.F. n. plur.) entrails

Extremes - (O.F. a.) far away



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   The Old French language included many words from Latin and Greek word roots and also regional dialects such as Provencal and and Catalan. You can also check under the classical "class." and figurative "fig." listings in larger modern French dictionaries. Old French can also differ from modern French, since words like "fleuve," which now means "river," also meant "route" or "course," in Old France because rivers were often used as the safest "route" or "course" when travelling between major cities, since roads were poorly maintained, and robbers often waited along these routes. Please keep in mind that many figures of speech such as "the oil and the wine," which does not seem to make much sense today, in those days meant "the good things."

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