Many Old French words can be found by simply looking them up in any modern French dictionary. This glossary lists those words that are no longer a part of the modern French language. New words will be added just as soon as they become available.
Rabaissera - (O.F. v. fut.) will reduce, diminish, cut off
Rabieuse - (O.F. a.) raving
Rachat - (O.F. n.) a self appointed redeemer
Raisons - (O.F. n. plur.) reasons
Ralie - (O.F. v.) rally
Rameaux - (O.F. n. plur.) branches, opportunities, enticements
Rang - (O.F. n.) rank, position
Ranger - (O.F. v.) arrange, control, set straight
Rapine - (O.F. n.) violence
Rapis - (O.F. n.) Paris (anagram)
Rapts - (O.F. n. plur.) attacks, thefts
Ravoir - (O.F. v.) recover, see again
Raze - (F. a.) razed, ruined, shaved
Reb - (O.F. n.) rebel, rebellious king, antichrist
Rebeller - (O.F. n.) rebellion
Rebellaire - (O.F. v.) sack
Rebours - (O.F. v.) reverse, undo
Recouvree - (O.F. p.) recovered, retrieved
Reduict - (O.F. a.) reduced, altered, changed, rebuilt, restored
Rege - (O.F. n.) the regal one, ruler, master
Regne - (O.F. n.) reign, kingdom, nation, realm
Regnera - (O.F. v. fut.) will rule, will reign
Regret - (O.F. n.) regret
Reprouvez - (O.F. n.) reproved, condemned
Rempli - (O.F. a.) replenished, restored, rebuilt, made new
Rempli - (O.F. a.) repleted, recompleted, restored, replenished, made new
Rencontrees - (O.F. n. fut.) others, foreigners, other lands
Rendra - (O.F. v. fut.) will render, will be rendered
Renomme - (O.F. n.) renown, fame, influence
Repentir - (O.F. p.) repenting
Repose - (O.F. n.) rest, repose
Republique - (O.F. n.) republic
Respandu - (O.F. p.) spread out, poured out
Respiral - (O.F. n.) venting, roaring
Reste - (O.F. p.) the rest, remainder
Resusiter - (O.F. v.) resuscitate, resurrect
Retour - (O.F. p.) returning
Reveue - (O.F. n.) review, military review of troops
Revolu - (O.F. p.) revolved, accomplished, elapsed
Rex - (L. n.) King, Emperor, Tyrant (not of a Royal bloodline)
Rhin - (O.F. n.) Rhine, Rhineland
- (F. a.) nil, worthless, uncooperative
Rigeur - (O.F. n.) hardship
Rivera - (O.F. n.) the Spanish leader - Primo de Rivera (Ribera)
Rite/Rit - (O.F. n.) ancient or religious rite
Robe - (O.F. n.) robe
Rochat - (O.F. n.) Prelate
Rochiers - (O.F. n. plur.) rock cliffs, rock monoliths (skyscrapers)
Rocs/Rocz - (O.F. n. plur.) stone edifices, churches
Roi - (O.F. n.) Leader, Prime Minister, President, Chairman, etc.
Roigneux - (O.F. a.) cut off, estranged
Romulides - (O.F. n.) Romulus, founder of Rome
Rond - (O.F. a.) round
Ronger - (O.F. v.) eat, devour
Rose - (O.F. n.) rose
Rosne - (O.F. n.f.) a great river, Rhone, Rhine, Danube
Rouge - (O.F. n.) red, Reds (Socialists), valuables, Anti-Christians
- (L. v. fut.) will spin-around, will turn-around
note: rou-gira (round-gyrate), Latin: gira (revolve, gyrate, turn), Catalan: rodagir (rotate, revolve, turn)
Roustir - (O.F. p.) roasting
Routte - (O.F. p.) routing, ousting
Roy - (O.F. n.) King (the formal title, of Royal blood)
Royal - (O.F. a.) royal
Royne - (O.F. n.) Queen
Rude - (O.F. n.) rude, swearing
Ruinera - (O.F. v. fut.) will ruin, will be ruined
Ruyne - (O.F. n.) ruin
The Old French language included many words from Latin and Greek word roots and also regional dialects such as Provencal and and Catalan. You can also check under the classical "class." and figurative "fig." listings in larger modern French dictionaries. Old French can also differ from modern French, since words like "fleuve," which now means "river," also meant "route" or "course," in Old France because rivers were often used as the safest "route" or "course" when travelling between major cities, since roads were poorly maintained, and robbers often waited along these routes. Please keep in mind that many figures of speech such as "the oil and the wine," which does not seem to make much sense today, in those days meant "the good things."
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