Many Old French words can be found by simply looking them up in any modern French dictionary. This glossary lists those words that are no longer a part of the modern French language. New words will be added just as soon as they become available.
Cache - (O.F. a.) hidden
Caige - (O.F. n.) metal cage, metal armor, metal enclosure, armored vehicle
Calamite - (O.F. n.) calamity, disruption
Calpre - (O.F. n.) Gibraltar
Camp - (O.F. n.) camp of an army
Cancer - (O.F. n.) Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Canon - (O.F. n.) cannon
Canto - (O.F. n.) spoken
Cap. - (O.F. n.) captain, sheriff, government official
Captif - (O.F. p.) captured
Captivite - (O.F. n.) captivity, confinement
- (O.F. n.) Persia, Iran, Persian cult
note: Carmania or Karmana - Persia
Castel - (O.F. a.) Castilian, Spanish
Castillon - (O.F. n.) castle, chateau
Cause - (O.F. n.) cause, reason
Cave - (F. n.) cave, vault, catacomb, tomb
Cela - (F. p.) although
Celebrera - (O.F. v. fut.) will celebrate
Celestes - (O.F. n. plur.) stars, skies, stargazers
Celle - (O.F. n.) house, house servant
Celtique - (O.F. a.) Celtic, Gallic, French, Frenchman
Celuy/Celui - (O.F. n.) the same
Cens - (O.F. n. pl.) hundreds, centuries
Censunto - (O.F. v.) consider, ponder
Centre - (F. n.) center, middle
Cervoise - (F. n.) beer, ale
Ces - (O.F. a.) secret, hidden
Cessee - (L. p.) ceasing
Ceux - (O.F. p.) they, those, etc..
Chair - (O.F. n.) flesh, meat
Chaleur - (O.F. n.) heat
Champ - (F. n.) field, battlefield
Changeront - (F. v. fut.) will change
Chant - (O.F. n.) chant, song, sound
Chasser - (O.F. v.) chase off, force to exit
- (O.F. n., plur.) wounds
note: this is mispelled as "classes" in some quatrains
Chausses - (O.F. n. plur.) feet, walking
Cher - (O.F. a.) dear, dearly
Cherra - (O.F. v., fut.) will seek, will desire, will cherish
Chef - (O.F. n.) chief, head, leader, high spirit
Chemin - (O.F. n.) road, path
Cheval - (O.F. n.) horse
Chief - (O.F. n.) a high authority
Chrestien - (O.F. a.) Christian
Ciel/Cieux - (O.F. n.) sky
Cinq - (O.F. a.) five
Cita - (O.F. n.) citadell, strong fort
Cite - (O.F. n.) city
Cite' Neufve
- (O.F. n.f.) the City of "New," (the City of New York)
note: In the past NYC was named
The City of New Netherland,
The City of New Amsterdam,
The City of New York,
The City of New Orange and
The City of New York again, but
it was always the City of "New".
Clarte - (O.F. n.) clarity, brightness, enlightenment
- (O.F. a.) classical, military rank, naval fleet
note: in some cases this is a mispelling of "chasses"
Clercz - (O.F. n.) Cleric
Clere - (O.F. a.) clear, valid
Clerge - (F. n.) clergy
Climat - (O.F. n.) region, part, zodiac, portion (of the sky)
Climaterique - (O.F. n.) latitude
Coche - (O.F. n.) nip, slap, stab, insult
Coeur - (O.F. n.) heart
Coffres - (O. F. n. plur.) chests, dressers
Cogneauz - (O.F. a.) made known, seen, exposed
Coing - (O.F. n.) wedge, corner
Combatre - (O.F. n.) combat, battle
Comete - (O.F. n.) comet
Comme - (O.F. p.) even as, even from, etc..
Commencee - (O.F. p.) begins, starts, commences
Commetra - (F. v. fut.) will commit, will perpetrate
Compagne - (O.F. n.) companion, consort, fellowship, brotherhood
Competiteur - (O.F. n.) competitor
Comprins - (O.F. p.) controlled, compromised
Comte/Compte - (O.F. p.) account, regard, unsettled, held in suspension
Concedera - (O.F. v. fut.) will give in, will consent
Concord - (O.F. n.) agreement, contract
Conduite - (O.F. p.) led
Confin - (O.F. n.) confines, limits
Conflict - (O.F. n.) conflict
Conforme - (F. v.) conform, agree
Coniuriera - (O.F. v. fut.) will be called to answer
Conjoined - (O.F. p.) joined
Conjurez - (O.F. n.) seducer, deceiver, conspirator
Conseil - (O.F. n.) counsel, court, rule, leadership
Consentir - (O.F. p.) consenting, agreeing
Consort - (O.F. n.) accomplice, companion
- (O.F. a.) discredited, censored
Contemnera - (F. v. fut.) will have contempt for, will hate
Contens - (L. a.) content, happy
Contens - (O.F. n. plur.) contenders, participants
Contrainct - (O.F. p.) forced, compelled
Contraire/Contre - (O.F. p.) against
Contrees - (O.F. n. plur.) countries, lands
Converts - (O.F. n.) disciples, converts
Copies - (L. n., plur.) troops, forces, armies
Coq/Coqz - (F. n.) cock, rooster, pirate, Holy Roman emperor
Corne/Cornet - (O.F. n.) horn, animal horn
Cornet - (O.F. n.) trumpet, horn
Coronal/Coronel - (O.F. a.) royal, supported by the crown
Corps - (O.F. n. plur.) bodies
Corseigne - (O.F. n.) Corsica, Corsican
Coste - (O.F. n.) coast, shore
Coucher - (O. F. v.) rest, relax
Coup - (O.F. n.) fallen, a coup
Courage - (O.F. n.) courage
Courra - (O.F. v. fut.) will run
Cours - (O.F. n.) swift course
Courte - (O.F. a.) pertaining to a "straight-buttoned" courtier or soldier
Coutaux - (O.F. n.) undercutting act
Couvert - (O.F. v.) secretly examined
Cracher - (O.F. v.) spill, spit
Craintif - (O.F. a.) fearful, dreadful
Credit - (O.F. n.) repute, authority, power
Crestien - (O. F. n.) Christian
Creuz - (O.F. p.) cutting out
Crevera - (O.F. v. fut.) will pierce
Cris/Crier/Crys - (O.F. n. plur.) cries, screams, mourning
Croire - (O.F. v.) believe, be confident
Croistre - (O.F. v.) expand, grow
Croix - (O.F. n.) cross, Christian cross
Crue - (O. F. n.) liquid
Cruelle - (O.F. a.) cruel
Cuidoit - (F. p.) carrying out, completing, attempting
Cuisine - (O.F. n.) food
Cuit/Cuict - (O.F. a.) cooked, baked
Cureur - (O.F. p.) corrupted
Custode - (O.F. n.) custody, care
The Old French language included many words from Latin and Greek word roots and also regional dialects such as Provencal and and Catalan. You can also check under the classical "class." and figurative "fig." listings in larger modern French dictionaries. Old French can also differ from modern French, since words like "fleuve," which now means "river," also meant "route" or "course," in Old France because rivers were often used as the safest "route" or "course" when travelling between major cities, since roads were poorly maintained, and robbers often waited along these routes. Please keep in mind that many figures of speech such as the "oil and the wine," which does not seem to make much sense today, in those days meant the "good things."
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