Nostradamus Drought, Famine, Red Tide


Michel de Nostredame's
Global Warming Prophecies

It's a natural cycle.


  He's the most recent of the 500-year Hebrew prophets that God sent to warn us about the future. His prophecies cover the period from 1555 A.D. to 2055 A.D. and he recorded more than 1000 quatrains (4-line poems) that warned about future events. He has a surprise for us about the cause of Climate Change, and how to deal with it. In the quatrains below, the prophet Michel de Nostredame, also known as Nostradamus, warns about a future period of Global Warming that will bring heat, drought, famine, and fish kills due to sweltering high temperatures. The quatrains below also include links to an Old French dictionary if you want to check the Old French word meanings.



   Because of the (effects of) hot sun on the water,

   Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer,

   At Negroponte the fish are half-baked;

   De Negrepont les poissons demis cuits;

   The inhabitants will begin to slice them up,

   Les habitans les viendront entamer,

   When those of Rhodes and Genoa shall need food.

   Quand Rhod & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.




   Quatrain #2-3: Nostradamus actually names Negroponte Evia, Greece, the exact area where forest fires burned out of control because of a drought produced by record high temperatures in the northern hemisphere. Dead fish lie on the banks of most bodies of water, as the heated water cannot support sufficient oxygen levels. In Italy and Greece the effects of Global Warming are plainly visible as the river Po is nearly dry, the canals of Venice are drying up, and water for the irrigation of crops is becoming scarce, threatening the food supply in the Mediterranean region. The dead fish may be needed to help feed the many hungry people living in these areas.




   The plain of Ausonne, wide and fertile,

   Planure Ausonne, fertile, spacieuse,

   Will produce horseflies as big as grasshoppers;

   Produira taons si tant de sauterelles;

   The bright sun will become obscured by the flies,

   Clarte solaire deviendra nubileuse,

   Everything eaten, a great pestilence coming upon them.

   Ronger le tout, grand peste venir delles.




   Quatrain #4-48: Nostradamus warns the people of Southwestern France about a coming period of changing weather conditions that will produce a great plague of flies. They'll be so numerous that swarms of them will actually obscure the sun as they fly overhead. They will feast on crops and bite people, causing sores on the skin and spreading a great pestilence over the land.




   At 48 degrees latitude,

   A quarante huite degre climaterique,

   At the end of Cancer (July) such great drought;

   A fin de Cancer si grande seicheresse;

   Fish in sea, river, lake, baking in the heat,

   Poisson en mer, fleuve, lac, cuit hectique,

   Bearn, Bigorre, are distressed by blazing skies.

   Bearn, Bigorre, par feu ciel en destresse.




   Quatrain #5-98: In this quatrain Nostradamus warns us of an approaching worldwide period of record temperatures and drought. Here he witnesses the cities of Bearn and Bigorre in the high Pyrenees mountains of southwestern France in the 3rd week of July, at the end of Cancer, suffering from 90 degree temperatures, but warns that the problem is worldwide and includes cities as far north as the 48th latitude such as Paris and Seattle. All over the northern hemisphere the world experiences record high temperatures and severe drought. Millions of dead fish cover ocean beaches, lakes, and rivers, as the higher water temperatures cause oxygen levels to plummet and encourage the growth of algae. Hundreds of tons of dead fish must be removed from many ocean beaches to accomodate tourist traffic.


   Common sense should cause us to ask why when the Vikings discovered an island in the north Atlantic in 1000 A.D. they decided to name it "Greenland," when it has been a "whiteland" of glaciers for the last 400 years. The answer to this question will be a big surprise. It turns out that from 1000 A.D. to 1500 A.D. the world was in a period of severe Global Warming. Earth's polar ice caps were melting, and the oceans around the world were rapidly rising. Then, around 1600 A.D., a Little Ice Age brought the Global Warming to a sudden halt.

   Geological history records three types of "Ice Ages," and they occur on a regular schedule. The largest Ice Ages occur on a 120,000 year schedule, and each Ice Age contains 10 smaller 12,000-year Interglaciation Ages. These Interglaciation Ages in turn each contain 10 lesser 1200-year Little Ice Ages. The temperature cycle we are now experiencing began with the last Little Ice Age around the year 1600 A.D. that restored Earth's polar ice caps, lowered sea levels, and covered a once ice-free Antarctica with a layer of snow and ice over a mile deep, effectively removing it from history.

   In 1555 the Hebrew prophet Nostradamus was experiencing the height of the last cycle of Global Warming, and he warned us that another warming cycle would come once again in the future. Earth's temperature cycles follow a regular 1200-year schedule. This current cycle of warming began with the "Little Ice Age" of 1600, and we are now entering the warming portion of that cycle. Over the next few centuries we will witness sea levels rising by as much as 10 or 20 feet above present levels before the arrival of next Little Ice Age in the year 2800 A.D.

   By the time of the next Little Ice Age in 2800 our oceans will have risen far above present levels. As global temperatures continue to increase we will witness our rivers, lakes, and wells drying up, and a lack of greenery will result in flash floods in many places, and raging wildfires in other areas. Dangerous algae growth will kill marine life, and lost weight from ice melting at the poles will actually change the shape of our planet and increase its rotational speed, thus shortening the length of an Earth day. Ice core samplings taken from our planet's poles have clearly shown that carbon levels during the Jurassic Period were more than 4 times higher than today's carbon levels. So much for the theory that industrial carbon emissions are the cause of Global Warming.

   Geological history tells us that Global Warming is not caused by carbon emissions, but is a 1200-year natural temperature cycle. If you want to be prepared for future events, you'll need to consult the Hebrew prophets to learn the truth about what is coming in the future. If you want to know the truth about what is causing our planet to warm up, instead of the lies you are being fed by the media, click one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver.





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